
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I have found recently a beautiful connection between communion and community. I have sought to celebrate both for the majority of my life, and until recently thought that they had little to do with each other.


I have spent all of my life in the church; at least in one form or another. I have spent time as a spectator and I have lead ministries. I have never gone a significant amount of time without godly friends. I have been
around community all of my life, but until recently I was never a
part of it. You will have to understand for most of my life I believed that I was being judged solely as an individual for my actions. As long as I did not commit any of the major sins and hold fast to “good” doctrine, God would withhold His wrath. I was an individual.


It is amazing how quickly Christ started telling us that we are “one” with another, and that we are all part of a body that needs other parts.


Communion for me today was sweet. I shared it with my community. As diverse as my community is we seem to have little problems uniting for a cause, we have learned what Paul said in Colossians
  3 about how there are no more “barbarians or nobleman”, “Jew or gentiles”, “free men or slave” for
 “all that matters is Christ”. That is exactly what communion is all about.