
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

    Three of our students were burdened this year for a local township tavern. The girls have to pass the tavern each day in order to get to ministry.  Not only do our students have to pass it but many children have to pass it on the way to school. There is constantly people around the tavern drinking all through out the day, so it’s not the safest place.

     At the start of the year Amber, Cassie, and Sarah asked God to protect them as they passed by each day and also to take away the fear they had as they passed it. In praying God layed it on their hearts to somehow change, buy, or tear down it down. Over Christmas, Amber went home and was given $2000.00 to help purchase the building. Everyone came home from Christmas break and we all fasted and prayed for God’s direction with the tavern.

     The first step in the process was to speak with the owners of the tavern. With God’s strength and power the girls approached the owners and were given a shock of there lives. God wanted relationships to be grown through this process. Joel and Pela (the owners) were in need of true friends and some to talk to. It’s been over 3 months now and we are seeing God work in Joel and Pela’s lives.  Pela has come out saying “I wish this wasn’t a tavern but it’s my only means of income”.

      Amber and Sarah presented Pela with an idea to feed some street kids 2 days a week in the morning when the tavern in closed. Praise the Lord she agreed to this. Pela, along with another Christian woman, will be using the tavern to feed street kids. The funding has come from many friends and family back in the states. We pray that God will continue to use the tavern and one day rebuild it into something completely center around our Lord.  Keep Pela and Joel in your prayers as God continues to work in them and use them to better their community.